Drive Satan Away

What is the meaning of the symbolic stoning? It means that we must perform this act on a daily basis. You do symbolic stoning during Hajj. And you have to do real stoning in your own life.  The Islamic concept is that a human being has some weak points through which Satan makes an entry. These are a person's desires and negative thoughts. For example, when a person provokes you, you get angry. This means that Satan has made an entry into you. If you get provoked and become angry, then Satan has made an entry into your mind. He will try to provoke you and make you angry.

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In one of the rites of Hajj, there is a place which is a symbol of Satan. People throw stones at this spot. In other words, they throw stones at Satan. This is symbolic stoning. Satan does not literally stand at that spot. When people throw stones at that spot, it is a symbolic gesture. What is the meaning of this symbolic stoning? It means that we must perform this act on a daily basis. You do symbolic stoning during Hajj. And you have to do real stoning in your own life.  The Islamic concept is that a human being has some weak points through which Satan makes an entry. These are a person's desires and negative thoughts. For example, when a person provokes you, you get angry. This means that Satan has made an entry into you. If you get provoked and become angry, then Satan has made an entry into your mind. He will try to provoke you and make you angry. Satan will instigate you to take revenge and teach a lesson to the other person. Then you will start fighting. This is the situation in which you have to do stoning of Satan. You have to drive him away. Whenever you feel that Satan has entered your mind, you must immediately say: My Lord, I seek refuge with You from the prompting of the devils. (23.97)

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