All Family Members Shouldn’t become Earning Animals

If there are two brothers at home and both are involved in earning money, then it wouldn’t be right. If one of the brothers earns money and the other works for religion, then this is the right model to follow. If both brothers have become earning animals and want to earn more and more, that's wrong. Even if you are alone at home, you must divide your time into two. 50% of your time should be spent on earning and the rest 50% time you should give to religion.

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Video Transcript

There were two brothers in Madinah. One of the brothers did agriculture. The other brother would spend time with the Prophet to learn religion and then share with his brother later. The one who did agriculture thought he did all the hard work and it was his brother who got the chance to sit with the Prophet. He complained to the Prophet about this. The Prophet replied: لَعَلَّكَ تُرْزَقُ بِهِ  (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2345) It maybe that your prosperity is because of your brother. There is a model we see here. If there are two brothers at home and both are involved in earning money, then it wouldn’t be right. If one of the brothers earns money and the other works for religion, then this is the right model to follow. If both brothers have become earning animals and want to earn more and more, that's wrong. Even if you are alone at home, you must divide your time into two. 50% of your time should be spent on earning and the rest 50% time you should give to religion. Divide the time you have into two. Become one man, two mission. Give 50% time to earning and rest 50% time to religious work.

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