No Right to Curse People

The present-day Muslims call down curses on others. They are doing this throughout the world in mosques even in America. This is undoubtedly a wrongdoing which will affect Muslims themselves. You can see for yourself -- are these curses being accepted? On the other hand, Muslims are themselves suffering. The Prophet was not allowed to curse even when someone had hit him with a stone and made him bleed. The Prophet had to say: "God forgive my people for they do not know." You have only one choice -- pray for people, not curse them. The mosques which curse people don’t have the choice to curse others. Whatever people do, you only have the choice to pray. This will help in your tazkiya and personality development. You will become a person who is deserving of being settled in Paradise.

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Video Transcript

The Prophet was part of Battle of Uhud. Muslims faced defeat at Uhud. A person hit the Prophet with a stone, breaking his tooth. Breaking of the tooth is not simple. There is a lot of bleeding. Breaking of one's tooth is not same as breaking of one's nail. When a tooth breaks, a lot of bleeding happens. After a lot of bleeding, the Prophet fell down due to weakness. At that time the Prophet said: "How will a community prosper when it wounds its own prophet?"

This has been mentioned in books. The Prophet said: "How will a community prosper when it wounds its own prophet?" At this point angel Gabriel came with a revelation of the Quran: لَيْسَ لَكَ مِنَ الْأَمْرِ شَيْءٌ (Sahih Muslim 1791) That very moment the Prophet changed his speech: اللهُمَّ اهْدِ قَوْمِي فَإِنَّهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ. "O Lord, guide my community because they do not know." (Shu'abul Iman 1375)

This was a great test. Even after facing such a great negative experience, the Prophet had no right to curse. The present-day Muslims call down curses on others. They are doing this throughout the world in mosques even in America. This is undoubtedly a wrongdoing which will affect Muslims themselves. You can see for yourself -- are these curses being accepted? On the other hand, Muslims are themselves suffering. The Prophet was not allowed to curse even when someone had hit him with a stone and made him bleed. The Prophet had to say: "God forgive my people for they do not know." You have only one choice -- pray for people, not curse them. The mosques which curse people don’t have the choice to curse others. Whatever people do, you only have the choice to pray. This will help in your tazkiya and personality development. You will become a person who is deserving of being settled in Paradise.

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