A Noble Endeavour

THE Quran emphasizes that one of the Prophet Muhammad’s key roles was to “teach them the Scripture and wisdom and purify them.” (2: 129) Purification, known as tazkiyah in Arabic, is essential for every believer. Without it, one cannot develop the calibre of personality described in the Quran as a God-oriented individual (3: 79). In essence, purification is the pathway to true success, including entry into Heaven (20: 76).

Tazkiyah literally means growth, akin to the growth of a tree from a seed. The Quran says: You see the earth, dead and barren, but no sooner do We send down rain upon it than it begins to stir and swell, and produce every kind of luxuriant vegetation: that is because God is the truth. It is He who gives life to the dead and He has the power to will anything. (22: 5-6)

When a seed is placed in a nurturing environment, it transforms into a flourishing tree. Similarly, the process of tazkiyah enables personal growth and development. This growth encompasses both intellectual and spiritual dimensions.

God has endowed human beings with immense potential, and this potential is realized through tazkiyah. The Quran states: He who purifies himself, who remembers the name of his Lord and prays, shall indeed be successful. (87: 14-15) It can be described as the process of building one’s personality on a divine foundation. As a person embraces faith, they embark on the journey of tazkiyah, gradually evolving into a purified and spiritually developed individual. Such a person is destined for the eternal Paradise of the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Tazkiyah is not a mysterious concept. It is attained through contemplation rather than meditation. The Quran encourages reflection, stating: Do they not ponder about their own selves? God has created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them for a purpose and for an appointed time. Yet many deny they will ever meet with their Lord. (30: 8) This involves reflecting on oneself and the universe, gaining intellectual and spiritual insight that leads to God-realization. This process results in a purified personality, and it is grounded in personal effort rather than esoteric inspiration from saintly figures.

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