A Mirage of Success

A young man completed a C.A. (Chartered Accountancy) course. After that, he earned an MBA degree from America, securing first place in both examinations. This opened the doors to progress for him. He went to the UAE and got a job with lucrative perks and salary. Soon after, a Saudi delegation called him for an interview. The interview was successful, and he immediately got a position in Saudi Arabia with even more salary. He continued to progress in this manner and his salary kept increasing.

The opportunities for progress in the present era are the greatest deception of our time. The result is that a person considers himself first class on a false basis, whereas the reality is different. He falsely believes he is successful, while he is far from the path of true success.

As the Quran states: Never forget that the life of this world is only a game and a passing delight, a show, and mutual boasting and trying to outrival each other in riches and children. (57: 20)

The possibilities of the present age have allowed many people to find themselves in environments where they have furnished houses to live in, luxurious cars for travel, a bank balance, and a credit card in their pocket through which they can access any amount of money in any part of the world. These things have become a tremendous temptation for modern humans.

Everyone is selling themselves in the temporary market of materialism. Everyone is trapped in the illusion of success. Everyone has built a palace of imaginary optimism around themselves. However, these things have no value. An American medal of honour holds no value in Russia. Similarly, the skills of the present world will be weightless in the Hereafter. Alas, the human being who lives in a false deception believes that he has built a secure fortress on the mountain of value.

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