Choose Success Over Failure

IN one of its verses the Quran refers to a human character before whom a high divine choice was present, but he preferred his own baser desires instead. The Quranic verse is:

If it had been Our will, We could have used these signs to exalt him, but instead he clung to the earth and followed his own desires.

(THE QURAN 7: 176)

This Quranic verse was revealed in the first quarter of the seventh century. At that time there were some applications of this verse. Now, in the twenty-first century people have developed certain new forms of this trait. One such form is the tunnel strategy. Some Muslims have secretly dug tunnels between their country and another country, only to continue their militancy through underground passages. According to available news these places are said to be in Palestine, Kashmir and Xinjiang. Those who are involved in this strategy are Muslims.

Why do you prefer the underground tunnel, when the whole world is open to you!

The twenty-first century has opened up the whole world for peacefully conveying of the message of God. Through the surface route, sea route and air route, Muslims can travel and interact freely and successfully with others. Moreover, we are living in the age of electronics. Electronic devices provide us with new instant tools of communication to spread the word of God throughout the world.

However, those Muslims who are involved in clandestine work have no interest in these peaceful surface activities. In their ignorance, they are engaged in underground and violent activities. By all accounts, one can say with certainty that the peaceful surface strategy is a highly successful method of work, while the tunnel strategy, is not only against the principles of Islam, but is also doomed to failure.

Why have these Muslims abandoned peaceful surface interaction and opted for underground militancy? This is because they are unaware of the great value of intellectual exchange. Peaceful exchange has the capacity to conquer the whole world. Through peace and harmony Muslims can achieve everything they need for their advancement. But they are full of hatred and negativity and due to this obsession they are unable to understand the uselessness of their activities. They prefer suicide while the option for life is quite open to them.

Human beings have always lived in one or the other obsession. If a person’s obsession is positive, he will opt for a positive goal, however if his obsession is negative, he will set for himself a negative goal. The first goal is achievable and is also a life-giving choice. On the contrary, the second is an unachievable goal. Those who opt for the second goal will gain nothing in the end except for frustration and failure.

Through peace and harmony Muslims can achieve everything they need for their advancement.

According to a Hadith: ‘Love for something makes you blind.’ (Abu Dawud) Here, “love” means obsession. Those Muslims who are engaged in the tunnel strategy are the worst case of this Hadith. They have set a negative goal for themselves. For some reason, this goal has become their obsession, and this obsession has made them blind.

Muslims, free yourself of this obsession. Why do you prefer the underground tunnel, when the whole world is open to you?

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