A Companion of the Prophet Abu Dhar Ghiffari (d. AD 652) said: Even if a bird fluttered its wings in the air, the Prophet would use this occasion to remind us of some lesson. (Musnad Ahmad) In other words, it was the habit of the Prophet Muhammad to glean lessons from every event. The fact is that there are many items of learning for human beings in the universe through which a person can realize his Creator and make progress in his intellectual development.

For example, Maulana Farhad Ahmad (b. 1984), an associate of ours, nowadays commutes to the office on a bike. He said that we can learn many lessons for life from traffic rules. For example, when you are riding a bike, speed breakers and red signals come along the way. All these things remind you that this road does not belong to you. Here you have to follow the rules set in motion by the government. You may be fined for violating any of the traffic rules. You or someone else may have an accident. That’s why boards are put up along the way: A moment of carelessness results in an accident.

The same is the case with life. There is a ‘speed breaker’ and ‘red light’ here as well. These things show that there is a creator of this world. Here you must follow the rules and guidance of the Creator instead of following your wish. You have to live your life while being fully alert all the time. Otherwise, there will be a variety of distractions in the journey of life, which will keep you away from the straight path.

A person driving on the road is focused on the traffic lights all the time so that when there is a red signal, he can stop the vehicle and when there is a green signal, he can move his vehicle forward. That’s how we have to drive the vehicle of life. You have to protect yourself as much as possible from living a life of neglect and adopt a patient way to make full use of the opportunities. This is possible only if you live your life while avoiding neglect and distraction.

Prof Farida Khanam

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