Farida KhanamProf Farida Khanam is an author, editor, translator, public speaker and former professor of Islamic Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Among her books are ‘A Simple Guide to Islam’ and ‘A Study of World’s Major Religions’. She has translated into English many books authored by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Currently the chairperson of CPS International, she is a regular contributor of articles to various publications. Prof Khanam has edited Maulana’s English translation of the Quran and has also translated his Urdu commentary on the Quran into English. She can be reached at [email protected]



Doodhpathri, a picturesque district in Budgam, Kashmir, is often compared to Switzerland due to its breathtaking natural beauty. I had the privilege of visiting this enchanting place, and it was an experience that left me in awe.

 As I stood amidst the lush greenery and cascading waterfalls, I felt a profound sense of tranquility wash over me. It was as if I had transcended the boundaries of the mundane world and entered a realm of peace and serenity, i.e., Paradise, a world where eternal life awaited, devoid of sorrow, afflictions, and pain.

One tourist aptly remarked, “Everything necessary for life is present in nature.” This profound statement struck a chord with me, as if it were a divine revelation, a glimpse of the heavenly essence that permeates the very fabric of our existence. It made me question the true nature of life, wondering why we are confined to this world of struggles and tribulations.

The veil of Paradise, shrouded in the present world, serves as a test of our faith and understanding. We are confronted with a myriad of challenges, from afflictions and grief to illness and old age, accidents and troublesome individuals, all of which can trap us in the web of worldly problems.

Maulana Wahiddudin Khan remained ill in the last years of his life. He remained steadfast in his unwavering faith and never succumbed to the weight of worldly troubles. When we inquired about his wellbeing, he responded with a resounding “I am alright,” his face devoid of any trace of pain.

I urge us to strive to live above the fleeting problems of the world. Let us cultivate a deep connection with the divine and embrace the eternal Paradise that lies within our reach.

In retrospect, I realized that he lived in constant remembrance of God and the eternal Paradise that awaits us beyond the confines of this world. His unwavering faith allowed him to transcend the limitations of the temporal and embrace a life of peace and contentment.

Inspired by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s resilience, I urge us to strive to live above the fleeting problems of the world. Let us cultivate a deep connection with the divine and embrace the eternal Paradise that lies within our reach.

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