Human Empowerment

IF you read the Quran, you will find that the Quran addresses all of mankind. In the very first chapter of the Quran, Allah (God) is called Rab ul-alamin (Lord of the Worlds), not Rab ul-muslimin (Lord of the Muslims). The Quran uses terms such as al-Insan, al-Nas, Bani Adam, etc. All of these words address all of mankind.

The Quran tries to bring about a universal mind in its readers. According to the Quran, our world is Dar al-insan, the world of human beings. Terms like ‘Muslim empowerment’, ‘the Muslim identity’, and ‘fighting for the Muslim cause’ are all alien to the Quranic scheme.

The Quran gives Muslims a global mission — spreading the word of God among all of mankind. This mission requires a mind that is open to all peoples. Without this kind of positive mind, Muslims cannot discharge their duty.

Human empowerment includes Muslim empowerment, while Muslim empowerment is narrow-minded and bound to fail.

Thinking negatively or engaging in activities such as protests and violence against supposed injustice is not in accordance with the Islamic spirit. No excuse whatsoever is acceptable in this regard. Muslims must adopt the policy of peace on a unilateral basis. This policy is stated in the Quran in these words:

Do not yield to those who deny the truth and the hypocrites:
ignore their hurtful talk and put your trust in God;
God is your all-sufficient guardian.

(THE QURAN 33: 48)

All the prophets, including the Prophet of Islam, adopted this culture of sabr, or patience. The Quran affirms this fact in these words:

We will, surely, bear with patience all the harm you do us.

(THE QURAN 14: 12)

This policy of unilateral patience adopted by all the prophets was not passivity, but a high sort of activism. This policy ensures a positive environment, peace, and normalcy. This kind of environment is crucial for any kind of constructive work, including conveying the message of Islam. This is the law of nature. We have no option but to follow this natural law. The Quran observes:

And follow the nature as made by God, that nature in which He has created mankind. There is no altering the creation of God.

(THE QURAN 30: 30)

Muslims of today need to work towards education, economic progress, communal harmony and intellectual pursuits. All these things can be carried out only in an atmosphere of peace, and peace can be established only on a unilateral basis. This cannot be made possible without adopting the policy of unilateral patience.

People speak of Muslim empowerment. But the real objective that should be adopted by Muslims is human empowerment, which includes Muslim empowerment; while Muslim empowerment is narrow-minded and bound to fail.

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