Your Questions, Answered

MaulanaHow can we get clarity of thought?

We are living in a world of thoughts. Every day, numerous thoughts come to our mind and get registered forever. So, we are bound to live in a great jungle of thoughts. This state of affairs requires sorting things out properly. In the absence of this quality, there will be confusion. If you can sort your thoughts out properly, you can develop clarity in your thinking.

To help in sorting out your thinking you must stay away from distractions. Clarity of thought needs the sacrifice of keeping away from all distractions. If you want to develop clarity of thought, you will have to present this sacrifice.

Why do we give in easily to temptations?

Temptation in itself is not bad. It is temptation that motivates us to action. But, we have to control our temptations. Controlled temptation is good, while uncontrolled temptation is bad.

What is the difference between the freedom that is essential for intellectual development and the freedom that the youth run after?

Freedom is everyone’s right. It is a God-given blessing, and no one can abolish this blessing. However, you are living in a society where others also live, apart from you. So, you have to be cautious while exercising your freedom. A well-known formula rightly provides the definition for freedom: Your freedom ends where another's nose begins.

Intellectual freedom is key to all kinds of intellectual development. But there are two kinds of exercise of freedom: negative and positive. The positive exercise of freedom leads to intellectual development, while the negative exercise of freedom leads to anarchy.

Man has been programmed by nature to react the way he does. So, if he tries to engage in ‘anti-programming’, would it not be like going against his very nature? Please explain.

The concept of natural programming is only partially true. There are some activities of our body that are programmed, like the digestion of food or the circulation of blood. But, thinking in a creative manner is not programmed. Rather, it is something that you yourself achieve. At the subconscious level, we are programmed to some extent. But at the conscious level, we can act according to our free-will.

How do we discover the opportunities at the time of problems as the mind is confused and tensed at that moment?

The human mind has enormous capacity. If a person develops his mind on positive lines, he can save it from confusion and tension at the time of crisis. Learn the art of crisis management, and you will be able to discover opportunities even when you are surrounded by problems.

When we are born with the spirit of submission to God, what makes us turn arrogant and rebel?

Submission and arrogance are different types of responses. When you see the external world and discover your extreme smallness or humbleness with regard to it, you become submissive. But, when you forget your position in the universe of nature, you falsely become arrogant. Submission is the realistic response to the situation, and arrogance is the unrealistic response to the situation.

Admitting our mistakes calls for great courage. How can we achieve this great courage?

Apparently, admitting our mistakes is a matter of courage. But, in fact, it is an opportunity to make oneself a realist. When you accept your mistake, you correct yourself and save yourself from living in falsehood. When a person discovers this fact, accepting his mistake will become a very pleasant deed for him. He will never miss an opportunity to admit his mistake, because it helps develop his personality.

What should we do if even after trying very hard we do not achieve what we want?

Achievement is every person’s right. When you fail to do something or achieve something, take it as a result of lack of planning. In such a situation, try to re-plan, and you will certainly reach success.

Why is that most people fail to rise above their complexes?

Going beyond your complexes requires a high level of intellectual development. Only less developed minds can fail in this regard. Try to develop your mind, and you will certainly overcome your complexes.

If we do not react to our opponent, they may trouble us more, and after a certain stage it will become impossible to take any measures to counter their aggression. Kindly comment.

This is a totally wrong perception. If you have an opponent, you are allowed to solve the problem that is presented, but by applying an effective measure. By an effective measure I mean a measure that doesn’t cause the opponent to react further. An effective measure is one that doesn’t provoke one’s opponent. Non-provocative planning is the best answer to deal with this kind of situation. Every problem can be solved. It is wrong planning that fails to solve the problem.

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