Emotions and Egos

THERE is a small plant found in shady areas. Its scientific name is Mimosa pudica. On account of its sensitive nature it is popularly called ‘touch-me-not’. Its leaves fold inward and droop when touched, and they re-open on their own minutes later.

This is a phenomenon of nature. It is an illustration of how to successfully tackle men and women. By nature, women are emotional and men are egotistic. Allowance must be given to both the sexes in this matter. Don’t meddle with women’s emotions, and you can successfully deal with them. Similarly, don’t threaten men’s ego. This is the basic formula for dealing with the two.

If one is sensitive to this aspect of women and men, one will never have a bitter experience — both at home and outside, and can be assured of a normalcy in every situation.

Generally, people live in tension. In majority of the cases, the reason is improper handling of men or women. Intentionally or unintentionally, people often ruffle the emotions of a woman or the ego of a man, and it is this improper handling that leads to breakdown. The result is that both parties unnecessarily develop tension.

For example, if a man returns late from the office, and his wife becomes angry, he shouldn’t get provoked, rather he should reply with a smile: “I am hungry right now, let us eat something and we’ll talk about this later.” On the other hand, if a woman insists on going shopping, while her husband doesn’t want to do so, then in such a case the husband should not refuse downright. He should say: “Yours is a good idea, but not for today. I will abide by your suggestion tomorrow.” This is the easiest way to settle the matter between both the parties.

A tension-free mind is the greatest need for all of us. The only solution is to learn the art of management. The art of management only requires a few words, while tension swallows up your peace of mind as well as your physical health.

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