Avoiding Trivial Pursuits
FRANCOIS de La Rochefoucauld (1613–1680) was a noted French author of maxims and memoirs. He once said: 'Small minds are much distressed by little things. Great minds see them all but are not upset by them.'
Life is full of experiences. We have to live in a jungle which is full of all kinds of things, big and small; but, we have to be selective. We have to differentiate between things that are really great and things that have no importance in life. If you pursue everything that comes your way with equal enthusiasm, without setting any priorities; there will be no required focus, resulting in waste of your time and energy.
If you board an express train, you will learn that express trains always ignore small stations; they stop only at large stations.
We have to develop that wisdom which knows the difference between trivial matters and real issues. Without this sagacity, we cannot do anything worthwhile for ourselves or our society.
If you board an express train, you will learn that express trains always ignore small stations; they stop only at large stations. Adopt the character exhibited by the express train, and you will be able to reach your destination at the right time.