
In early March 1992, the Students’ Islamic Welfare Society organised a seminar in Lucknow to discuss the leadership role of the Ulama. At the organisers’ invitation, I presented a paper compiled in book form. This essay aims at presenting a critical appraisal of the role of Ulama, or Islamic scholars, in present times. As per the Shariah viewpoint, two things have to be kept separate for such an appraisal. One is the intention and the sincerity of the people involved, and the other is the methodology adopted by the people concerned.

From the perspective of Shariah, making someone’s intention or sincerity the subject of discussion is impermissible, whereas making their methodology a subject of discussion is entirely permissible. This essay fully considers this distinction. I have reviewed the methodology employed by our Ulama in present times without bringing their intentions or sincerity under discussion.

The methodology adopted by the Ulama was not in conformity with the requirements of the present age. Therefore, their efforts and sacrifices have not brought about the required results. However, this was an error of judgment on the part of the Ulama. As we learn from a tradition of the Prophet, if a believer makes right ijtihad (re-interpretation of religious teachings in changing situations), he will receive a double reward, while if he errs in his ijtihad, he will still earn a single reward.

This essay appears to be critical, but in reality, it is a proposal in the light of which we can determine the future course of action.

Wahiduddin Khan

September 2, 1992
New Delhi, India

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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