After great labour, man acquires much wealth but he dies without completely enjoying it. He builds his dream house. Yet sadly, upon entering it, he feels unable to fully enjoy it due to his limitations and disadvantages. Any conceivable thing that he obtains is inherently imperfect whereas man is intellectually a perfectionist. After experiencing each new goal that he has so long sought to achieve he desires it no more because after achieving it he realises that this latest goal too, is less than perfect.

There is hope in this situation. If nature was capable of creating a world that satisfies man’s physical needs then logically it must be capable of creating a world that suits his intellectual needs.

Thus there is no need for man to fall prey to frustration. All that man needs to do is adopt a two-fold plan for his life. One based on his needs of the present world and the other according to his needs of the future world.

So a successful life in this world is one based on the following concept: that the present life is where we can only sow and we shall harvest in the next world. If we were to plant a seed in the morning with the hope of enjoying the fruit by dinnertime, we are sure to be frustrated. Had we planned to reap the fruit a hundred years from now, however, then we would not meet any frustration for frustration is but the name of misplaced hope. The problem for man thus lies not in the nature of life but in his understanding of the ideology of his life. If man were to live his life understanding that he is sowing the seeds in this life and he will enjoy its fruits in the after-life he will never fall prey to frustration.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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