There are two major parts of the human brain. One is the conscious mind and the other is the unconscious mind. When a thought enters the human mind, it does so initially in the conscious mind. Gradually, in due course, it reaches the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the part where every thought is preserved forever, although that is not in the grasp of man’s conscious mind. Whosoever wants to have a ‘flowery’ personality will have to activate his mind whenever he has a negative thought so as to convert it into a positive thought.  Consequently, in the next stage when this thought moves on to the unconscious mind, it is stored as something positive rather than negative.

Those men and women who succeed in building such a personality will find that the store of their consciousness will be a treasury of positivism. It will be completely free of negativism. It is positive personalities such as these who will receive a place in the Garden of flowers in the eternal world after death – Paradise – where they shall spend their lives in a perpetual state of joy and bliss.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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