God’s prophets have constantly told us that the present world will not be eternal, that it is perpetually on its countdown, and that a time will come when its term will expire, and it will come to its end. All the scientific evidence tells us that this countdown is approaching its final number. The scientists of the 20th century discovered the law of entropy and concluded that the world’s energy is continuously on the decrease and that this process cannot be reversed. Therefore, it is inevitable that the present world will end after a fixed period. According to their research, the scientists of the 21st century have told us that the time for the end of the present world has come very close. It could even be a mere 10 to 20 years.

All these revelations and scientific facts covered in the media under ‘global warming’ are, in fact, ‘divine warning’. It is a declaration by the Creator that, according to His plan, this period of the world has come to its end. It is an Alarm of the coming of Doomsday when the first phase of human history will end. The study of the Quran and Hadith tells us that before the end of human history on earth, some clear signs will appear, which will serve as the final warning for man. The major signs heralding Doomsday will be the following appearance: 1. Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog), 2.  Dajjal (The Great Deceiver), 3. Climate Change, 4. Dukhan (Smoke), 5. Fitnah Duhaima (Age of Uttern Confusion), 6. Ikhwan-e-Rasool (Brothers of the Prophet) and 7. Idkhal-e-Kalima (Age of Global Divine Call).

The history of religion tells us that from the time God created man, He has been sending prophets for man’s guidance. During the age of the prophets, the knowledge of reality was transmitted at the level of revelation. This process continued until the age of the modern scientific revolution. Now, the reality, which was being presented to the man at the level of revelation, has become a proven fact to the ultimate extent at the level of human knowledge. For the first time in human history, the divine book, the Quran, and human knowledge are totally in consonance. It has made it possible for truth seekers to find it at the level of total conviction and realisation, leaving no margin of doubt.

In his last sermon, the Prophet Muhammad also urged his followers to convey the message of the Quran ‘even if only a single verse’. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 3461) Therefore, the greatest need of the hour is to acquaint all people with God’s message in a language and style which is understandable to them. What is the message of the Quran? The message of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. That is, to tell man why God created this world, the purpose of settling man on earth; what is required from man in his pre-death life span, and what he will confront after death. Man is born as an eternal creature. When God created man as such, He divided his life span into two periods, the pre-death period, which is a time of trial, and the post-death period, which is the time for receiving the rewards or punishment merited by one’s actions during one’s lifetime. These actions will take the form of eternal paradise or eternal hell. The purpose of the Quran is to make man aware of this reality. This is the theme of the Quran that serves to guide man throughout his entire journey right from this life to the next in the Hereafter.

The beginning of the end of human history is upon us. Now, the final time has come for all human beings to awaken and arise, discover their Creator and His creation plan for them, and replan their lives according to it. All that is left to happen now is for Doomsday to take place and Almighty God to come directly into man’s view. God will command the angel Israfil to blow the trumpet. Then, suddenly, human history, having passed through its temporary phase, will enter its permanent phase. That is to say, the blowing of the trumpet will mark the end of the phase of action and the beginning of the phase of reward. Now, the final time has come for all human beings to awake and arise. Those who do not awake today will be awakened by the trumpet of Doomsday, but the awakening will be of no avail to anyone.

Wahiduddin Khan

February 2021

New Delhi, India

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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