God’s prophets have constantly told us that the present world will not be eternal, that it is perpetually on its countdown, and that a time will come when its term will expire, and it will come to its end. All the scientific evidence tells us that this countdown is approaching its final number. The scientists of the 20th century discovered the law of entropy and concluded that the world’s energy is continuously on the decrease and that this process cannot be reversed. Therefore, it is inevitable that the present world will end after a fixed period. According to their research, the scientists of the 21st century have told us that the time for the end of the present world has come very close. It could even be a mere 10 to 20 years.

All these revelations and scientific facts covered in the media under ‘global warming are, in fact, ‘divine warning’. It is a declaration by the Creator that, according to His plan, this period of the world has come to its end. It is an Alarm of the coming of Doomsday when the first phase of human history will end. All that is left to happen now is for Doomsday to take place and Almighty God to come directly into man’s view. Now, the final time has come for all human beings to awake and arise. The trumpet of Doomsday will awaken those who do not awake today, but that awakening will be of no avail to anyone.

Standing at the end of human history, we stand on the threshold of Paradise. Now the time is not far away when the present world will be replaced by its second phase. The first phase, meant purely as a test for humanity, was temporary. The second phase will be for the test result, and it will be eternal.

According to the system of nature, God is getting the record of every man and woman prepared through His Angels. This record will be presented before the Creator in the next stage of life. Those whose records show that they made proper use of their freedom will find a place in Paradise where they will live eternally in comfort and happiness. In this world, good and bad people exist alongside each other. However, all the bad people will be separated from the good in the hereafter. They will be deprived of all the earth’s resources, and the earth will be entrusted solely to the good people. This is the truth which has been mentioned in the following verse: “And indeed We have written in Psalms (Az-Zabur) that My righteous servants shall inherit the land.” (i.e., the land of Paradise) (The Quran, 21:105). This statement made in the Quran is recorded in detail in the Book of Psalms in the Bible: “The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell in it forever.” (Psalms, 37:29).

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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