In the book Tazkiyah—Purification of the Soul, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan explains that the Quran mentions four responsibilities of the Prophet, one being the purification of the self (2:129). As such it is essential for believers to give utmost priority to the purification of the self in their lives. Similarly, it is necessary for the dayee and the reformer to attach great importance to the process of purification. Purification (tazkiyah) covers a number of Islamic imperatives: purifying oneself of the temptations of the self and Satan; refraining from negative reaction when faced with unpleasant experiences occasioned by others; and remaining resistant to such influences as cause man to deviate from the straight path, etc. The book outlines various principles of how to undertake tazkiyah within oneself so as to develop a purified personality that may be found eligible for entering the eternal world of paradise (The Quran 20:75).

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