The perfect functioning of the universe is because it has dyed itself in the hue of divine ethics. Man must adopt divine ethics of his own free will, while the rest of the universe adopts it under compulsion.

Man is just an insignificant part of the universe. The universe completely obeys its Creator and Master under compulsion, and the same thing is desired of man, too. The proper method of action for man is that he agrees to obey God of his own free will while the rest of the universe obeys God under the law of compulsion. If man submits to God, he will become a fellow traveller, as it were, of the rest of the universe. God manages all creatures in the universe. That is why the physical universe functions smoothly. In the same way, human affairs can also be rectified when one surrenders one’s will to God’s control.

The reason for the accurate and perfect functioning of the universe is that it has dyed itself in the hue of divine ethics. The secret of a truly successful human life is the same: man must adopt divine ethics of his own free will, while the rest of the universe adopts it under compulsion.

The One God is the source of all goodness. Being heedless of the One God is the root of all evil. Discovering the Oneness of God implies the discovery of the Creator of the universe, the One who maintains and manages it, the One who sustains it, and who is the Sole Master of every sort of power—the One God. Besides Him, no one in this universe possesses any power in the real sense. From atoms to galaxies, everything in the universe is under His command. The One Master ultimately manages it. This is why the entire physical universe, with all its vastness, is precisely as it should be. In its design, no single minor defect has been observed until today. It functions with such complete accuracy that even in billions of years, it has not erred by even a second or millimetre. Only by surrendering to the One God will man’s life be rectified.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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