Why do man and the present world seem so mutually incompatible? To solve this conundrum, we need to understand the creation plan of God.

A philosopher once remarked that it appears to be that in this vast universe, man is a strange creature. It seems that man has not been made for this world, nor has this world been made for him. Man and the world seem to be mutually incompatible.

Man is born with immense abilities. However, he uses only a minimal portion of these in this present world. By nature, man wants to live forever. However, death arrives quickly without his permission and whisks him away by a unilateral decision. Man has an ocean of desires in his heart, but not all of these desires are fulfilled. Every man’s mind is a world of dreams, but not all dreams come true. In this regard, there is no difference between ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ people. As the philosopher mentioned above seems to assert, all this may be thought to suggest that man has come into a world that has not been made for him.

Why do man and the present world seem so mutually incompatible? To solve this conundrum, we need to understand the creation plan of God. This question of man and the world looking so inconsistent arises because of not knowing the creation plan of God. Therefore, we can obtain a satisfactory answer by learning God’s creation plan for man.

God has created man according to His plan. Knowing this plan is necessary for the proper explanation of man. The significance of a machine can be known only when we see the intent of the engineer who created it. Nothing can clarify the machine’s importance and purpose besides the engineer’s mind. The same is true of man.

God created man for a specific plan. According to this plan, man must spend a period in the present, non-ideal world for the test, and after this, in line with his actions, man will obtain the right to reside in an ideal world, which is called Paradise, or else will be consigned to a place of eternal deprivation forever.

The present world has been created as a testing ground for man. Here, man is engaged in a continuous test. If he passes this test, he will obtain a place in the ideal world, Paradise, in the eternal life after death. On the other hand, if he fails this test, he will live in a state of eternal deprivation. To be eligible to enter Paradise, there are two things that man needs to do while on Earth. One is to acknowledge the Truth, and the other is to lead a principled life.

In the present world, man finds himself completely free. However, this freedom is not given to him as a right. Instead, it is simply a sort of examination paper for everyone. Man has been given freedom of choice to test him. Without any compulsion, he must bow before the Truth, and through his own choice, he should limit or control his freedom.

Firstly, man has to acknowledge the Truth without any pressure. Bowing before the Truth is undoubtedly the most enormous sacrifice for man. Acknowledging the Truth may appear to be making oneself small compared to others, but this makes a person arrive at the highest position, leading him to reach the door of Paradise.

In this regard, the second thing man must do is lead a principled life. Generally, a person’s character is constructed according to his emotions. Anger, revenge, jealousy, hate, opportunism, etc.—are negative feelings that often indelibly shape a person’s character. No man can enter Paradise with a character developed by such emotions. To enter Paradise, he needs to be a person of a virtuous character. For this, man should not build his character under external factors; instead, he must build it by adhering to certain moral principles. Only people of honest character can be held eligible to enter and live in Paradise in the life after death. This is the creation plan under which man has been created.

Paradise is that ideal world where a man can find perfect peace and satisfaction and be in the company of those who make his life truly meaningful. The desire for this Paradise is enshrined in every person’s heart. It is this Paradise where man will find complete fulfilment. With his whole being, man is in search of this very Paradise. Moreover, Paradise is waiting with its entire existence for such people. The time is coming when Paradise and man shall meet each other. Each will find the pair made for them.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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