Salvation in Paradise is for those who, despite having done every kind of good deed, attach no value to it and realize they will gain entry into Paradise only when God’s mercy envelopes them.

What is the most outstanding issue facing man in this world? It is how to secure salvation in the life after death so that he may find his true abode and share in God’s eternal blessings.

God has created this world as a place of trial for man. Salvation is for those who prove themselves eligible to settle in the ideal world of Paradise in the Hereafter. God seeks those who manage to see God despite Him being invisible, who obey God and devote their lives to Him, who tremble on remembering death, and who realize that the present world is the place for action while the next world is the place for reaping the reward for one’s deeds. Those who display such character will be welcomed in Paradise in the Hereafter.

God’s blessings will be given to those who earned it and who prepared themselves in this world so they may be held deserving of Paradise. But those who have done nothing to earn God’s blessings will not have anything in store for them in the Hereafter. They will be compelled to live in a state of utter deprivation. To ensure that one is not deprived of God’s blessings, one must work hard for one’s life in the next world while living in this world itself. Salvation would elude the one who fails in this matter.

The next world is the perfect and eternal world where all kinds of pleasure and happiness are in store for man. A man should earnestly aspire for this. But the time for action to secure a place in that blessed world is not the world after death but the world before death. Salvation in the life Hereafter is only for those who prove themselves deserving.

We should understand that Paradise will not be given to anyone purely based on the quantum of his good deeds. It will be provided, instead, by the mercy of God Almighty. The preferred ones are those unique people who, despite having done every kind of good deed, have attached no value to their actions. They realize that they will gain entry into Paradise only when God’s mercy envelopes them.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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