Death means eternal bliss for some and eternal deprivation for others. Fortunate are those who find themselves on the threshold of Heaven at the time of death; they will dwell in everlasting bliss.

The greatest calamity afflicting our world is that more than one hundred thousand people die every day. No one knows of those who are alive today who will be dead tomorrow. Every one of us shall taste death, but no one knows when death will come. We do not know which of our fellow men will leave this world tomorrow and who will remain to receive this message.

Every man born in this world has to enter another world after death. In this world, man has been granted all the opportunities as a matter of test. Whatever man receives in the next world will be purely based on his deeds in this world. This means that before death, man has been given many things and opportunities, whether or not he deserves them. After death, one will receive in the Hereafter only what he earned on the basis of his performance in this life.

Death is not the end of our lives; it is the beginning of our real life. After death, man will be brought before the Lord for final judgment. The angel who is to announce the Last Day is ready and waiting with the trumpet in his hand for God to give the order to sound it. This will be a most terrifying time for a man. He will want to speak but will be struck dumb. He will want to walk, but his legs will not carry him. All disparity between men will disappear on the Day of Judgement. Fear of God will seal everybody’s tongue. Injustice will benefit no one; Truth will be inescapable. Man will stand alone and be answerable for his actions.

Man has many concerns in this world, but after death, he will be concerned with one thing alone: saving himself from being deprived of God’s blessings. If one has ample time at one’s disposal, one engages in many tasks. But if time is short, then one concentrates on the most important task.

No time is fixed for death. It can come at any moment. This fact makes death an even more delicate issue. Everyone is on the move, and everyone’s journey ends in death. Death means eternal bliss for some and eternal deprivation for others. Fortunate are those who find themselves on the threshold of Heaven at the time of death; they will dwell in everlasting bliss; they will know neither grief nor apprehension.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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