Negative Effects
of Global Warming

The huge ice caps at both the north and south poles, the vast reservoirs of fresh water are now melting at an alarming rate. Also, there are huge mountain-top glaciers, gigantic storehouses of drinking water, which, as a consequence of global warming, are likewise rapidly melting and their stored water is draining off into the oceans through the rivers.

Global warming is altering many features of the world permanently. A warmer world is having a big impact on extremes of temperature and rainfall with implications for human health, ecosystem survival and sustainable economic activity. Enhanced warming is expected to amplify the thawing of permafrost, and loss of seasonal snow cover of land ice and of Arctic sea ice. Climate change, besides other negative impacts, is resulting in two unbearable situations. On the one hand, very soon the level of water in the seas will rise, inundating coastal cities. On the other hand, the non-coastal areas will suffer from an intolerable water shortage. It is predicted by some scholars that the shortage of water will become so acute that even a third world war might take place over this issue.

Global warming has left the earth in crisis. A
recent publication reporting on global warming
from NASA’s top-representatives states “Earth in
Crisis.” ‘Time’ reporting of a Study on melting
of glaciers stated, “Glacier Loss Is ‘Unstoppable.’
Revelation explains that Doomsday is not far.

The rivers are always full of water, because the ice in the mountains keeps gradually melting the whole year round and this water continuously comes to the rivers through tributaries. But when all this ice has melted, naturally the rivers will run dry. And all their fresh water will be mixed with the salty water of the ocean. The ocean will be full of water but, being too salty, it will be fit neither for irrigation nor for drinking. The situation prevailing will be somewhat like that portrayed by Samuel Coleridge in his poem ‘The Ancient Mariner’: “Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”

Time reporting of a Study on melting of glaciers stated, “Glacier Loss Is ‘Unstoppable.’ The report elaborated on this saying, “The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is one of the keys to global sea rise. Running up against the Amundsen Sea, it contains an estimated 27,808 cu. Miles (2.2 million cu. Km) of ice, about 10% of Antarctica’s total land ice volume. That’s enough ice to raise global sea level by more than 15 feet (4.6 meters) were it to melt, collapse and flow into the ocean, which in turn would swamp coastal cities as far inland as Washington D. C. And according to new research, that’s exactly what’s beginning to happen. (Bryan Walsh, Time, May 2014)

A study led by NASA Sea Level Change Science Team members from the University of Hawaii projects that there will be a surge in coastal flooding starting in 2030s. A report on NASA’s website states, “The global sea level rise causing higher seas amplified by the lunar cycle will cause a leap of flood numbers on almost all U.S. mainland coastlines, Hawaii, and Guam.” (

As a result every U.S coast will experience rapidly increasing high-tide floods, when a lunar cycle will amplify rising sea levels caused by climate change. This will result in floods the world over.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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