Global Communication
of God’s Message

As we learn from the Quran, God has repeatedly sent His messengers to mankind. They communicated the divine message to man. According to a tradition, the Prophet Muhammad observed: “No home, big or small, will be left in the world, where God’s word would not have entered.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

The above tradition of the Prophet of Islam refers to the global communication of the word of God to all mankind. It may refer to the fact that in former times, the communication of the message could take place only locally. Now, owing to modern progress and development, the communication of the divine message can take place at the global level

The global communication of the word of God
will certainly take place according to the law of
cause and effect. Now modern communications
are fully at our disposal. Now it is quite possible
to use print, electronic and the online and social
media to spread the divine message all over
the world.

This communication of God’s Message will certainly take place according to the law of cause and effect. The facilities for this to happen did not exist in the past. Now modern communications are fully at our disposal. Now it is quite possible to use print, electronic and the online and social media to spread the divine message all over the world.

For the first time in human history it has become possible for practically almost every individual in a home and office to have access to a computer or a smart phone. All kinds of information are being posted on the Internet on different websites and now at any place in the world, in any office or home, one can access complete information regarding Islam in one’s own language. The entry of the word of God into every home means potential entry and not actual entry. Undoubtedly as far as potential entry is concerned, the word of God has entered every home. We now have to continue to place more and more information on the internet and social media, so that no one can stand in front of God Almighty on the Day of Judgement and say that they were unaware. (The Quran, 4:165)

The above tradition also tells us of a sign of the Qiyamah. The entering of the word of God into every home is, in fact, a sign of the approach of the Qiyamah. Today through television, the internet, social media and other means of communication, the divine message has reached all homes. Today, Islam is in the news everywhere, but its image has become totally distorted. The publicity Islam has received has been largely negative. The need of the hour is the conversion of that image into a positive one. This is an ongoing process all over the world, for the negative image has aroused curiosity among people globally to know Islam as it really is.

All kinds of information are being posted on the Internet on different websites and now at any place in the world, in any office or home, one can access complete information regarding Islam in one’s own language. The entry of God’s Message into every home means potential entry and not actual entry. Undoubtedly as far as potential entry is concerned, God’s Message has entered every home. We now have to continue to place more and more positive information on the internet and social media, so that no one can stand in front of God Almighty on the Day of Judgement and say that they were unaware. (The Quran, 4:165)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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