The Dawah Mission in India

In one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad we find a prediction to the effect that in later times a certain group (‘usbah) would be formed in India. This group would convey the message of truth to the people of India in particular, as well as to the world at large. They would show people the path to Paradise.

I am convinced of the fact that the dawah mission team of the present age is that very group. It is destined by God that dawah work should be organized in India and we should strive to bring people under the protection of His mercy.

This hadith informs us that this ‘usbah, which will work in India, will be saved from the fire of hell. Indeed, the doors of Paradise will be thrown open to them and they will find a place there for all eternity. You must engage in this task with full conviction. Each member of the team must consider himself or herself to be an integral part of this group, which has been given good tidings in advance if they discharge their responsibilities.

The truth is that the mission of Prophet Muhammad was to free the world from polytheism and replace it with the worship of the One God (tawhid).

This task was performed over a large part of the globe, but India, where dawah work could not be properly performed, was an exception. I am convinced that the time is now ripe for the dawah mission team to complete this prophetic mission in India, especially with the English and Hindi translations of Tazkirul Quran (translation and commentary on the Quran) now ready for publication.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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