Dawah Mission at a Global Level

There are two ways of working for a mission, one known as the political model and the other known as the spiritual model. Both have minus as well as plus points.

The political model targets the crowd. It always focuses on some negative issue relating to the external world, for only external issues can attract people in large numbers. The plus point of a political model, therefore, is that it very quickly assembles the public. Its minus point, on the other hand, is that it does not address the individual mind. This is why, with this model, the building of the individual is not possible. Any mission based on the political model appears to be a great success in quantitative terms. But in terms of quality, it leaves much to be desired.

In contrast to it, there is the other model, the spiritual one. The spiritual model aims at addressing not the crowd, but the mind of the individual. As a result, this model does not prove to be a crowd-puller. However, its approach affords the maximum opportunities to build character. Each member associated with the mission then has the benefit of having a prepared mind and a purified soul. The spiritual model appears less important in terms of quantity but, in terms of quality, it is far superior to the political model.

It would be correct to say that the political model leads to destruction, while the spiritual model enables construction. The dawah mission has, therefore, adopted the spiritual model and not the political model. All efforts have been made to address the mind of the individual; to put together a team of prepared minds, who are serious-minded and who have fully learnt the art of thinking.

The natural course of the dawah mission is to form a strong team of such individuals, so that this team may then disseminate the message of the mission to humanity at large.

Our dawah mission is totally non-political in nature. Its aim is not to establish a government, but rather to convey, through peaceful means, God’s message to all mankind throughout the world. We have to make people aware of God’s creation plan. Our call must be supported by arguments and proofs, so that people may understand the reality and make their future plans along the right lines. Calling people to God is His most desired mission, and when engaged in such a mission, we can be most certain of God’s succour. I am certain that God’s promise to provide special divine succour to such a mission will be fulfilled.

A time will come when God’s message reaches all human beings. It is something, which the whole of humanity has awaited for a very long time. No other work is greater than that of dawah—calling people to God. And there is no surer guarantee of our securing divine succour than our performing this dawah mission. This is God’s eternal law. And the time is not far off when God will fulfill His promise in totality.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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