
One way of presenting Islam is by means of interpretation, that is, by scholarly additions and explanations which make Islamic teachings more understandable and, in consequence, more effective. This has always been, and always will be, a part of Islamic daw’ah.

But another way of presenting Islam is to translate it into another language without any alterations, additions or explanations. This is the method adopted in this book, in which the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, and his Companions have been collected and presented in a simple, straightforward style. The only additions are the separate headings under which the different sayings and incidents appear.

For centuries the lives of the Prophet and his Companions have served as models of a truly God fearing existence for all mankind, and will continue to do so until Doomsday. Hence God’s preservation of this page of history with such exactitude that anyone who is sincere about learning from their example can know, even today, every detail of how they lived and died.

The present book, being a judicious selection from the deeds and saying which make up this model, gives an authentic picture of the Islamic way of life. With this book to throw light on the traditions of the Prophet and his Companions, one can pattern one’s life in such a way as to be certain of receiving God’s succour and blessings during one’s life time, and His rewards in the Hereafter for the good deeds done in this life.

Besides being an aid to personal study and individual training, this book will be of great benefit when read out at gatherings and in mosques, providing, as it does, valuable material for congregational recitations.

Wahiduddin Khan

February 14, 1985
New Delhi, India

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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