The Times of India | February 10, 2025
Fundamentalism literally means to stick to the fundamentals or to stick to the basic teachings of a religion. As religious terminology this term originated in…
Soulveda | September 25, 2024
Patience is the exercise of restraint in trying situations. It is a virtue, which enables the individual to proceed towards worthy goals, undeflected by adverse…
Contrary to world belief, Islam in reality is a religion of peace. It is a religion of peace in the fullest sense of the word.
Islam is actually a religion of peace and humanism. The very word ‘…
What the world needs today – perhaps more than anything else – is an acceptable formula for the attainment of religious harmony. This being currently one of the most important topics under discussion…
According to Voltaire, “Tolerance is a law of nature stamped on the heart of all men.”
Nothing could be truer than this statement; tolerance is, indeed, a permanent law of nature. But it is not…
Non-violence should never be confused with inaction or passivity. Non-violence is action in the full sense of the word. Rather it is more forceful an action than that of violence. It is a fact that…
Those who are introduced to the Quran only through the media generally have the impression that the Quran is a book of jihad, and jihad to them is an attempt to achieve one’s goal by means of…
स्रोत: शांति की ओर
जिहाद क्या है? इसे समझने के लिए सबसे पहले यह जानना चाहिए कि मौजूदा ज़माने में मुसलमान जिहाद के नाम पर जो कुछ कर रहे हैं, वह जिहाद नहीं है। यह सब क़ौमी भावनाओं के अंतर्गत छेड़ी हुई…
Speaking Tree | Feb 24, 2019
The irony of the Pulwama attack is that it has nothing to do with Islamic teachings, writes an anguished MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN, who says Islam promotes peace, not…
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