The Sunday Guardian | May 26, 2018
The Quran says that on Judgment Day, when mankind is gathered before God, a person will look upon his deeds. Those who denied God, and rebelled against Him, will…
The Sunday Guardian | May 19, 2018
During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, there was a drought and people were in great distress. The Caliph told them not to worry, for God would soon relieve them. Before…
Religious Tolerance in India | Sabah Ulkesi | April, 2014
What is tolerance? Tolerance is the opposite of intolerance. If you consult an English dictionary, it will tell you that tolerance means the…
Interview of Maulana in Turkish Magazine Aksiyon | 4th June 2012
Hindistanlı âlim Mevlana Vahiduddin Han'a göre İslam ülkeleri sömürge altında yasamanın verdiği negatif düsüncenin etkisinden…
Bir rüya | Today's Zaman | 4th June 2012
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir Bey'in gönderdiği mesaj dolu bir yazıyı sizlere takdim ediyorum. Abdullah Hocam, Zaman Gazetesi'nde 13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar günkü…
Religious scholars: Path of Prophet offers solutions to social ills | Todays Zaman | 7th May 2012 | Page 17
Amid the increasing social and political problems faced by Muslim societies in a modern…
Peygamber yolunda büyük buluşma | Bugun Gundem | 6th May 2012 | Page 22
Dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen İslam alimleri Gaziantep'te düzenlenen Sosyal Problemlere Peygamber Yolundan Cözümler…
Times of India I January 10, 2011
Due to some recent events in Pakistan, the issue of blasphemy is again in the news. It is generally held that Islam prescribes capital punishment for those who…
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