Your Faith Should Keep Growing

Faith is something that constantly increases and should forever grow. If this process stops, that's the beginning of death. When faith stops to grow, your countdown begins.

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Faith never comes to a standstill. If there is standstill, faith comes to an end. Faith is something that constantly increases and should forever grow. If this process stops, that's the beginning of death. When faith stops to grow, your countdown begins. If you set yourself on a continuous journey which never ends, then your faith will continuously be refreshed. The Quran says: لِيَزْدَادُوا إِيمَانًا مَعَ إِيمَانِهِمْ (48.4) To add faith to their faith. This is very essential. If faith stops being added to faith, then death begins. Never be ready to let the process of increase in faith come to a stop.

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