Why are Difficulties Essential

When a person prays at a difficult time, his words are full of distress. Therefore God extends his wait so that the person develops a more humble, sensitive and a gentle personality. This is not possible if a person is without any difficulty.

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A hadith tells us that God saw a person who was in a difficulty and began to pray restlessly. When a person prays at a difficult time, his words are full of distress. God says to Gabriel to not hurry up in bringing an end to his difficulty. Because, "I love his voice." I love the voice of one who calls out to Me in trouble and difficulty. So, do not do away with his difficulty. Let his problem continue for sometime. (Jami' Al-Uloom wa al-Hikam, Vol. 2, p. 403)

Some people think this means God loves to put people in problems. This is not the meaning of the hadith. The hadith speaks in symbolic language. There is another reality pointed out in the hadith. If a person does not face difficulties and lives in affluence, his speech has no agony or distress. He is insensitive. But if a person faces problems, his speech becomes humble and soothing. A person afflicted with difficulties speaks in such a way that it touches the heart. The speech of a person living in affluence does not touch the heart. The English poet Shelley said: "Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought." Our favourite songs are the saddest ones. Songs which speak of gloom are very soothing. This is the truth mentioned in the above hadith. God wants a person's speech to become gentle and deep. 

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