What is the Method of Self-Introspection?

The method of introspection is to think that we have no other option. We suffer due to our own actions, and we have to bear the consequences of our own deeds: وَأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَى (53:39). No one else can harm us or benefit us; we must bear the consequences of our own actions. So, this means that it is in our own interest to do introspection. It is for our own benefit and in our own interest.That is, there is no other option for us.

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Maulana, it is very difficult to engage in introspection. What is the method of introspection? The method of introspection is to think that we have no other option. We suffer due to our own actions, and we have to bear the consequences of our own deeds: وَأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَى (53:39). No one else can harm us or benefit us; we must bear the consequences of our own actions. So, this means that it is in our own interest to do introspection. It is for our own benefit and in our own interest.That is, there is no other option for us. Once, I was traveling by taxi, and the driver, unfamiliar with the route, drove 10 kilometers in the wrong direction. I told him that I think we are not going in the right direction, so he advised me to ask for directions. When I asked, people told us that we were going in the wrong direction and that the road we needed was the other way. So, we immediately decided to take a U-turn. This is what we need to do in life: think, and as soon as we realize we have made a mistake, we take a U-turn. This is in our best interest; if we don't do this, we will have to bear the price ourselves. We will have to face the consequences of our own actions. So, honestly, this issue is about our self-interest, but we keep blaming others. It happens because of our habit of blaming others.

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