Varija Bajaj Speaks About Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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This world is established on the principles of nature. However, life in this world is like a vast ocean, always full of waves. Living in society, we…
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CPS Spiritual Sessions
Experience shows that man is like an innocent flower bud in his childhood. However, as he reaches the age of maturity, he develops various…
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The existence of man is such a unique phenomenon that no other such example can be found throughout the vastness of the cosmos. Man is rightly called…
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Nature’s greatest gift to man is his mind. The mind is the greatest miracle of nature. The German psychologist Alfred Adler observed: “One of the…
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There are two significant schools of spirituality—one based on meditation and the other on contemplation. The former relates to feelings ascribed to…
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CPS Spiritual Sessions
What is spirituality? Being spiritual means living a God-oriented life. The spiritually inclined elevate themselves in their thinking and begin to…
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