Two-Point Formula for Self-Correction

Viewing oneself as righteous is deeply engrained in people. Until you learn to critically evaluate yourself, you won't understand it. Thinking critically about yourself helps you recognize your own mistakes.

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Maulana, people often notice other's mistakes, but they fail to see their own. Maulana, why is this so? Please enlighten us about it. Human beings harbour the belief that they are right. They do not acknowledge the possibility of being wrong. Viewing oneself as righteous is deeply engrained in people. Until you learn to critically evaluate yourself, you won't understand it. Thinking critically about yourself helps you recognize your own mistakes. So, I understand that one approach for you is to cultivate self-criticism, and secondly, the other person should receive the criticism positively, without reacting, without taking it personally. Another person can see you from a different perspective and can point out your flaws. So, if there are two qualities within a person, one is introspection, also known as anti-self-thinking. And secondly, he should receive criticism positively, remaining unperturbed by it, without any provocation or distress caused by criticism, and never taking criticism in the right perspective. If a person possesses two qualities, then he can certainly reach the truth. So, it is a two-point formula.

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