The greatest gift for a believer after having faith is to rise above negativity. Negativity is the greatest hurdle in life. If you are not negative, your positive thinking will be able to convert every minus into plus.
إِنَّ الْمُؤْمِنَ بِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ (Musnad Ahmad 2475) "There is good for a believer in every situation." For a believer, there are blessings in every situation. This is very important. This is not mysterious. You cannot mysteriously have blessings reach you. A mechanism develops in a believer by which he can convert minus into plus. A cow has the mechanism to convert non-milk into milk. This is a natural mechanism in a cow. A believer develops a similar mechanism at a conscious level. The greatest gift for a believer after having faith is to rise above negativity. Negativity is the greatest hurdle in life. If you are not negative, your positive thinking will be able to convert every minus into plus. Alfred Adler had said that his finding about human beings was that they have a special quality: the power to turn minus into plus. This is a natural quality of a person. This quality remains suppressed in those who react. But a believer possesses this quality. There is no mystery in this. Faith saves a person from negative reaction. In this way, his natural quality does not become covered up. This is the truth.