The law of nature is that when a person is deeply impressed by something, tears begin to flow from his eyes. This is the picture of the Companions. Whenever they heard God's word, it would leave a profound impression on them. They would discover the truth in it. They would discover God through it. Their realization of God is so deep that their eyes begin to overflow with tears. This is a sign of discovery.
The Quran says: وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَى الرَّسُولِ تَرَى أَعْيُنَهُمْ تَفِيضُ مِنَ الدَّمْعِ مِمَّا عَرَفُوا مِنَ الْحَقِّ (5:83) This refers to a group of people who came to the Prophet, brought faith and became his Companions. They are mentioned in the Quran. When they listened to the word of God, you see their eyes overflowing with tears. They listened to the word of God. It affected them so much that they began to weep. When they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears. They recognized the truth. When they heard God's word, they realized the truth in it.
They discovered the truth. This is a description of the Companions. When you hear or read the Quran, or listen to Prophet's teachings, you should discover the truth in it, your mind should become enlightened and your heart should experience a storm. Your discovery of truth should be so deep that your eyes should overflow with tears.
This is a law of nature. The law of nature is that when a person is deeply impressed by something, tears begin to flow from his eyes. This is the picture of the Companions. Whenever they heard God's word, it would leave a profound impression on them. They would discover the truth in it. They would discover God through it. Their realization of God is so deep that their eyes begin to overflow with tears. This is a sign of discovery.