People give the Prophet the status of God or project him as a super human being. The loss of all this is we won't be able to take him as a role model. The desire to make the Prophet our model will cease to exist. If you imagine the Prophet to be greater than the sky and earth, you will not think of him as a role model whom you have to follow.
The Quran says about the Prophet: "You have indeed in the Prophet of God a good example." (33:21) The Prophet's example is a model. No person can become a model for others if he is a super human being. If the Prophet were an angel, or equal to God, he would not be a model for us. This is why no one can say that God is a role model for you, or angels are role model for you. To be a model for us, a person has to be similar to us humans. He should go through all that we go through. Otherwise, he cannot be a model.
The Prophet is a model for you means that the Prophet was a human being. He was a human being similar to you. The Quran says: قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ . The Prophet says: "I am only a human being like yourselves." (18:110) Understanding this is very important, because people have developed strange kind of concepts. People give the Prophet the status of God or project him as a super human being. The loss of all this is we won't be able to take him as a role model. The desire to make the Prophet our model will cease to exist. If you imagine the Prophet to be greater than the sky and earth, you will not think of him as a role model whom you have to follow. Your desire to make the Prophet a role model will be over. This is why the Prophet faced all kinds of experiences which we also go through. This is how the Prophet is a role model for us.