Prophet of Islam has given us a very important Principle that whenever we face a problem then having a discussion and dialogue is the best option. It is a kind of a sharing process which will help in getting a better opinion.
Whenever the Prophet faced a social issue, one in which other people were involved, he would gather people together and say: أَشِيرُوا عَلَيَّ أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ. "Give me advice, O people!" (Sirat ibn Hisham, 1:615) This is also a principle. If you get to know something in reference to the Prophet, the matter does not end there. Rather, the Prophet established a tradition, set an example or a method. Whenever you face a problem, discuss it amongst yourselves. People should engage in dialogue. Discuss together before taking a decision, so that the step taken includes everybody's opinion. Every person should share his experience. When you sit together with many people, every person has some knowledge. Every person has experiences. This becomes a sharing process. The opinions of all persons will lead to the emergence of one better opinion. You will understand matters better. You will be able to cope up with the issue and plan in a better way.