Taraveeh is The Joint Study of The Quran

We should study the Quran collectively; mere completion of the book is not the real issue. Let us consider that during the time of the Companions, the Quran was revealed gradually, right up to the end, so no one had the opportunity to complete it.

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People only understand Tarawih in the context of completion of the Quran, that's what they know. Whereas Khatm Quran has no basis in the hadith. The essence of Tarawih is to studying the Quran in the worshipful state of prayer; it is the study of the Quran. Taraweeh is to go through the Quran; it is the study of the Quran.

There are many forms of study, one is that you are reading and thinking which you have already memorized. That is the study of the Quran. One way is to open the book and read it, which is the study of the divine book. Another way is to study in the state of prayer, while standing with hands folded, concentrating entirely on Allah, directing your attention completely on God.

And then a Hafiz (who knows the Quran by heart) stands ahead, he recites the Quran, others listen to him. Taraweeh is a joint study of the Quran, meaning a collective study of the divine book.

We should study the Quran collectively; mere completion of the book is not the real issue. Let us consider that during the time of the Companions, the Quran was revealed gradually, right up to the end, so no one had the opportunity to complete it.

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, and some parts of it were revealed at the very end. So, in the early years, the Companions who were there could not complete the Quran because the whole Quran had not been revealed by them. So, if completing it is of real significance, then a very large number of Companions, who did not have the opportunity to complete it,It is as if they received only a partial Quran. So, remember, the study of the Quran and not the completion of the Quran is important. We need to study the Quran; it is like diving into the depths of the Quran. Just as a person dives into the sea to extract pearls, which is called diving, to search for its meanings.

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