Social Teachings of Islam

In Islam, imposition isn't allowed. The teachings of Islam concerning society are meant for societal issues and not for individuals. That is, it is not an individual's responsibility to impose such teachings onto society.

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The permanent part of Islam is that which is addressed to the individuals, that is to be practiced at all times regardless of the circumstances. Whether he is staying in one country or another. Whether he is in a developed or under-developed country. He is commanded to worship God, speak the truth, uphold justice, refrain from causing trouble for others, abstain from hatred, refrain from indulging in intolerant attitude and lead his life peacefully. These are all obligations essential for every individual, for every believer. In every situation and place, one must follow it, abide by it. The social teachings of Islam are its relative teachings. Relative teachings mean that these will be implemented as per the demand and acceptance of the society. When the command to speak the truth is given, one realizes one must speak the truth. But this is not the case of those laws which relate to society. The issues of society are expressed in this saying: "As you are, so shall be your rulers." (Kanzul Ummal 14972)

It implies that this matter hinges on societal will; action will depend on societal will. This difference between society and individuals cuts the problem of conflict at the root. When the communists sought to impose their economic system on others, intense conflict in the form of cold war ensued, lasting for 3 years, as you are aware. So their desire to impose their economic system on others resulted in conflict. In Islam, imposition isn't allowed. The teachings of Islam concerning society are meant for societal issues and not for individuals. That is, it is not an individual's responsibility to impose such teachings onto society.

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