Seeing Things from the Right Angle

If you see things from the wrong angle, matters will deteriorate. You will suffer more losses. If you see things from the right angle and do right planning, you will achieve great success without having to incur further losses.

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The Prophet of Islam was born in Makkah where he started his mission. The people of ancient Makkah became opposed to him. They demanded that the Prophet leave Makkah. The Prophet could have thought: "Makkah is my nation. I have a right to live in Makkah. Why should I leave this place?" Had the Prophet thought like this, there would have been a battle. The war would have only led to losses. No one would have benefitted from it. This is why the Prophet quietly left Makkah and went to Madinah, where he engaged in planning for his mission. This is an example of seeing things from the right angle. 

The Prophet saw leaving Makkah from the result it would lead to. He did not look at it from the perspective of his rights. This is what happens in every task. A person once came to me. He was very angry. He said to me that a man had made him suffer great losses. He said: "I will kill him." I said: "You have suffered loss. The question is if you kill the man, will the matter end there?" I explained that every murder is followed by revenge. You will kill the man, but his sons will attempt to kill you. This chain reaction will never come to an end. I asked him if he had some money left. He replied that he still had some money. I asked him to start a business with this money. He accepted this and abandoned the idea of murder. He started a new business with the money he had. 

I met him again after a few years. He told me that he made great profits and had gone far ahead of the person who had deceived him. This is an example of seeing things from the right angle. If you see things from the wrong angle, matters will deteriorate. You will suffer more losses. If you see things from the right angle and do right planning, you will achieve great success without having to incur further losses. 
This is wisdom. 

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