Role of Spirituality in Stress Management
In the present times, big institutions have been established, claiming to provide services for de-stressing like meditation; that is, to relax people by stopping the function of thinking. However, this is not a real solution to the problem. There is only one correct solution to this problem: stress management. Whenever a person experiences unpleasantness in the world, it happens so that a person may take the proper lessons from it so that he is reminded of the reality, that the present world is the world of trial. Nobody can find a comfortable life here. A man ought to take lessons from negative experiences of the world. He must awaken the consciousness in himself that he cannot achieve his desired life in this little world. He has to seek his desired life in the next life span of the unlimited world. In such a situation, the proper lesson from unpleasant experiences is that man remembers the next world of Paradise. He awakens the thinking in himself that “let me not suffer in the Hereafter that I have suffered in this world.” Prosperous is he who has realised the eternal world in this temporary world, one who has discovered the secret of lasting success of the next life span in the failures of the present world.
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