For proper result-oriented obedience to God, it is essential to use reason. It is very important that if a person decides to do something in the name of God, he should use his reason, understand the pros and cons of the matter, and discover what is in his favour and what is not. Knowing all this will help in proper planning. If you use reason in this way, your obedience will become good obedience. It will have an aspect of goodness in it.
God has created man. Man is required to become a worshipper of God and be obedient of Him. Obedience to God is necessary. Obedience is appreciable when it is rational. Obeying God with reason bring planning and depth to your obedience. You will be able to obey God in a result-oriented manner. All this is possible through reason. Just as reason is important in other matters, it is also essential in obedience to God. It is because we live in a world where others also live alongside us. If we apply reason, we will know our limits, our strengths, we will know others' strength and how we have to obey God in different situations. We will discover all of this. Otherwise we will be lost in ignorance. If we don't use reason, we will do unreasonable things in the name of obedience to God. In the end, we will complain that other people are oppressing us.
For proper result-oriented obedience to God, it is essential to use reason. It is very important that if a person decides to do something in the name of God, he should use his reason, understand the pros and cons of the matter, and discover what is in his favour and what is not. Knowing all this will help in proper planning. If you use reason in this way, your obedience will become good obedience. It will have an aspect of goodness in it.