Ramazan A Month of Philanthropy

From one respect, fasting is a month of philanthropy. That is, a month in which through compulsive training you are made to understand the feeling of hunger of hungry people. This is so that you develop a desire to help these hungry people. You are made to experience the thirst of those who are left thirsty. You develop a strong desire to make efforts to quench the thirst of those who remain thirsty. In this sense, fasting is a month of philanthropy. That is, a month of compassion, well-wishing, and being of help to others. 

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The Prophet said that Ramazan is a month of philanthropy. Muwasat means philanthropy, having compassion and well-wishing for others, being of use to others and fulfilling others' needs.  
How does fasting develop this spirit in you? A person who has not experienced hunger cannot understand the hardship of a hungry person. One who has not experienced thirst can never understand what thirst really is. 

Unless you experience deprivation, you will not be able to understand what fulfilment is. A person who is eating and drinking to his full everyday is unaware of the nature of hunger and thirst. Then how will he develop the desire to do philanthropy?

This is why during fasting a person is compulsively made to go through such experiences. That is, he is compelled to experience hunger and thirst. This is fasting. If you are asked to experience hunger and thirst on ordinary days, you will not be able to do so. In Ramazan, one is made to compulsively undergo this experience. This is so that he understands the problems of a person who earns very less, who has no source of income, who does not eat twice a day nor has fresh water to drink. This is compulsive training. From one respect, fasting is a month of philanthropy. That is, a month in which through compulsive training you are made to understand the feeling of hunger of hungry people. This is so that you develop a desire to help these hungry people. You are made to experience the thirst of those who are left thirsty. You develop a strong desire to make efforts to quench the thirst of those who remain thirsty. In this sense, fasting is a month of philanthropy. That is, a month of compassion, well-wishing, and being of help to others. 

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