Prophethood in Islam

Man wanted to know the creation plan of God. In Quran Ch 67 there is a verse  “god made man for test”. Every person is looking for an ideal society and nobody is successful. It is against the creation plan of God. Everybody has freedom, which can be misused. Also if a person is having freedom then one cannot have an ideal society. There can never be revolution and ideal society is not possible like Marx, Rosso and Gandhi wanted. After attaining freedom Gandhi was killed.  The yardstick to measure society was wrong. We have to realize that we have to avail the opportunity and there is no problem free system. We have to ignore the problem and avail the opportunity- this is positive status quoism.

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Bismillahir Rehman ir Rahim
In the name of God, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

The belief system of Islam has three basic teachings.

Akhirat-day hereafter

Today we will talk about risalat (prophethood).

In the universe there are four physical aspects: -
1. Physical world,
2. Plant world
3. Animal world and
4. Human world.

Physical world –Physical world has no thinking power and is governed by law of nature. Stars and planets are moving on their path from millions years without any deviation.

Plant world – They too are governed by the law of nature. The only difference is that they have the nature and quality of growth.

Animal world – They are basically guided by their instincts. Food and security is their only concern.

Human world-Man has the thinking power. He has the unique quality of conceptual thinking; due to this man is an explanatory-seeking animal. Man is the only creation who has a question .Who is I? Where did I come from? And many more questions like these. Many philosophers went searching for this explanation but nobody had reached the final lapse and nobody discovered the end reality.

Spiritual person who have studied himself or herself and have self-realization.

There are diff terms used like in Hindu it is avatarvad. It is meant that god has come and it has come in that form. God is in a spirit.

Sufi – Everything mystic and means the same. It is like a self-realized soul who thinks that god has come from within.

Mythological concept is not real. Nobody becomes the owner if he thinks that he is the owner. If anything is having limitations, like anything else, then he cannot find truth because truth is unlimited and does not have any limitations.

Scientist cannot claim that they have got the truth. Science gives us partial knowledge of things and truth. Science is only concerned with knowledge of things and not of truth. Even science is also not in a position to explain things. It only gives information about knowledge of things and not of truth. Philosopher, realized souls and scientist on there own claim cannot claim that they have knowledge about life.

Prophet is also a human being but god has selected him to give the knowledge thru angels.  Even though they have knowledge from god but is still a human being. In  the whole group nobody is trustworthy and only prophet is trustworthy. There were about 1,25,000 prophets who had come and all those prophets who have come are not historical prophets. Those Prophets do not have a historical creaditibility and there is doubt about there existence. But Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has historical credibility and he has full life history. If you want to know that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his life and his parents and uncles. There is full information about there life and whole account is available .As other prophets do not have history so the rest of the prophets cannot be trusted cause there is no historical credibility.

Nishikant chattopadhyaay was related to Sarojini  Naidu and knew about Islam. He had full knowledge about spiritual science . He had questioned that “Earlier prophets have no historical record so how can we trust them”. He studied Islamic literature and life of Prophet Muhammad. When he studied Prophet Muhammad he said “ What a relief to find a truly historical prophet to believe in” and he embraced Islam. If anyone wants truth then he has only one choice to study Prophet Muhammad and follow his path. He has no other option. Only Prophet Muhammad stands on the historical grounds . A person has to be sincere and serious to know the truth.

Prophethood in Islam (Risalat)

Prophet of Islam was born on 570 AD and went from Mecca to Medina. He lived for 23 years after having prophethood. Book revealed to him is in the form of Quran and is preserved. And also whatever he said is in the form of Hadith and is well preserved as compared to other prophets. Maulana has studied Prophet Muhammad and he is the only choice to know the truth and we can take guidance from him. Maulana has full conviction and has taken the truth from him.

This time the subject is risalat. One man asked how can we believe a person as Prophet if he claims so”. It is similar to the case of “sun itself is the proof that it is sun”. It is the same for prophet. This is a historical fact that a person can claim to be prophet only if he is actually the prophet. It is very strange that in the history nobody else claimed that he is the prophet if he is not. Only an actual person claims himself to be prophet except the a mad person. There is example in Iran a man was born. Bahullah khan, he formed bahai faith. Some people think that he claimed himself to prophet, which is wrong. He said in Persian “I’m manifestation of God”. He did not say I’m prophet and manifestation is different all together. He did not claim he is prophet of god. What he said was  different. He cannot be a candidate.

There is another person in Kadiyyan his name was “Ghulam Ahmed Kadiyaani”. He never said I’m prophet of God and called himself as “shadow of prophet”. He was also not the candidate. What he said was different. Maulana has a personal experience also. A person was born in Iran in Abbasif period his name was Mutallabi. He said I’m a prophet of God. Afterwards his said I was joking and never meant. Prophet is in a position of unopposed victory. Nobody claimed himself as prophet.

There was a another person in Delhi his name was “Gurbachan Singh”. There is a center in Kings way camp. His disciples came to Maulana and gave a pamphlet. It was written that his guruji is the prophet of the time. Maulana went to his center. Their mission is Nirankari Mission. Maulana said tell your guru to tell me that his is the prophet of the time and he stayed at there ashram for 45 minutes but guruji did not say that he is prophet of time nor directly or indirectly. It is impossible to say that a person is prophet unless he is mad.

In Kerala there is a mission “shantigiri ashram”. It was written that guruji is a  prophet . Maulana went to question him and asked “do you claim that you are prophet of god in the same way that Moses, Muhammad and Jesus claimed”. He said “no”. He did not claim and refused repeatedly. These are the two personal experiences Maulana has faced.

Prophet’s contribution for mankind:

This is in reference to Quran ch no 90 “he found you wandering and then he guided you”.  It is said that we found you Prophet as a seeker and we guided you. This is said in reference to prophet to the whole mankind. Finding the truth starts from being a seeker and then it becomes as a finder. This is the case of whole mankind.
There is nothing else which can be a starting point. Seeking is by nature man unconsciously has concept of God.  When a person has question related to his existence, his purpose of creation then he becomes a seeker. Like a person should drink water only when he is thirsty. Man has knowledge and inquisitiveness about god . It is only when there is inquisitiveness which arouses he becomes a seeker. When a person wants marafat and wants to find the truth he has to become a seeker. It is said, “ who finds will get”. The starting point is to search. A person who is a seeker will only become a finder. His receptive arises and becomes serious . Till the time a person is not sincere and serious he will not get the truth and will not understand it and study it. And after that he reaches the stage of realization. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) told the creation plan of God and the Creator. Then there is discovery of God. Till the time there is no clarity till that time discovery and realization cannot be gained. .

Prophet is on whom god reveals . Prophet is a revealed person and he gets the message from god.

People use unnecessary words, which has no meaning. In the book of Diwan Abdul bijnori he said there is a commentary “in India there are only two revealed books”. Ved and diwan-e-ghalib. Ved does not mention that it is a revealed book. Similarly ghalib never claimed himself as Prophet. They did not claim themselves as revealed books.  Their claim was other than prophethood. Prophet saying himself, as he is the prophet is a claim in itself. Somebody who is not a prophet cannot say this. It is not easy to claim as a prophet.  One cannot say that sun is on my hand. There is a limit to lie and one cannot say this as it is beyond the capacity.

When there was crisis in Hunnain and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said “I’m prophet is not a lie and I’m the son of Abdul Muttalib (to tell his identity as human being). Nobody else could say this. Prophet has a role for mankind.

From thousand of years man was astray. Anthropology studies tell that man always has concept of god interwoven in him but was astray from thousand of years. He used to believe in the concept of God but he did not know the truth. He knew god is powerful and creative. Man used to doubt the existence of God but was never satisfied with answers as how could mountain, stars, moon and its attributes match with omnipotent god. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) told the concept of God clearly and which could be identified with attributes of God and his creation. Man was astray from along time and used to search for creator but was only looking at the creations of God. Then there was another question about the number of Gods? Like there can never be two prime ministers in a country to run the country smoothly. It is self contradictory to see that universe in running so smoothly on its own, the concept of God interwoven in man was never getting satisfied but Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) explained in clear manner to mankind.

Man wanted to know the creation plan of God. In Quran Ch 67 there is a verse  “god made man for test”. Every person is looking for an ideal society and nobody is successful. It is against the creation plan of God. Everybody has freedom, which can be misused. Also if a person is having freedom then one cannot have an ideal society. There can never be revolution and ideal society is not possible like Marx, Rosso and Gandhi wanted. After attaining freedom Gandhi was killed.  The yardstick to measure society was wrong. We have to realize that we have to avail the opportunity and there is no problem free system. We have to ignore the problem and avail the opportunity- this is positive status quoism.

People do not know the contribution of prophet. They sing songs for it. There are mysterious qualities thru which prophet is depicted. Thinkers wanted to have peace and with peace there can be development in the society. In pacifisms there is no formula, which is workable. It is a discipline in which there is discussion for peace but there is no formula to establish peace. The minds want peace with justice, which is impossible. But first time prophet told that this is not possible. He said peace opens the opportunities and after availing the opportunities one leads to justice. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that we have to settle on peace and avail the opportunities. In Ch 67 he has said, “god has made this universe as a testing ground”. There is pre death period and post death period. Pre death is for test and after the test we will get paradise. After death we will get paradise as ideal society. There is problem of suffering and everybody wants to finish that. This is not possible as this is a part of creation plan of God. Till the time we face problem there is no challenge and no solution is searched for it. There are millions particles in brain and to arouse them we need shock treatment. All thinkers are in obsession to have ideal society, which is not possible. God has made haves and have knots so that people face problems. Every time haves will not remain haves but will be have nots. Example abdul kalam azad. Earlier he was have nots and not he is haves. God has differentiation between people so that there is incentive among the people/.God has made people with varied qualities and they cannot be made equal, due to there different character tics. It is against the scheme of God to have society with equal opportunities . God scheme is to have unequal opportunities and problems and not on equal opportunities . There is emphasis on reengineering of mind and there is emphasis on thinking . Man could know that the right scheme of God is workable and prophet told this.

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