Individual and State in Islam

In a God-oriented life, the entire focus is on the individual. The focus is to reform and correct oneself. As far as the state or government is concerned, that is not the target. If you target the state, there will be clashes, bloodshed and fighting. This isn't part of Islamic scheme of things.

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The issue of society or state is totally different from that of the individual. In Communist philosophy, the target is society, its systems and the state. The target is to change the state or society. This leads to clashes right from the beginning. If you target the state, what will happen? You would like to dethrone someone and replace them with someone else. In every movement, why do we see confrontation from the beginning? I heard the speech of a leader who said that politics functions through confrontation. The target of politics is the government. A political group is already in power. If people want to displace it, confrontation will be obvious. This concept is not in Islam. In Islamic scheme of things, based on God-oriented life, the above concept doesn’t exist. In a God-oriented life, the entire focus is on the individual. The focus is to reform and correct oneself. As far as the state or government is concerned, that is not the target. If you target the state, there will be clashes, bloodshed and fighting. This isn't part of Islamic scheme of things. The hadith says: كما تكونوا يولى عليكم (Kanzul Ummal 14972) As you are, so shall be your rulers. This means that rulers are products of the society. They are not products of any particular movement. If you spearhead a movement or struggle to form a government, then that is not the Islamic way.

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