How to Deal with Stress in the Office?

Stress is a part of life. Even when you're walking on the road, there's stress. So, what's the solution? It is to take it easy. It happens that at times of stress, a person tends to blame on others. Stress is caused when one's boss acted in a certain way, when one's wife did something at home, or when something happened in one's neighborhood. So, you keep holding others responsible for it, but you should hold nature responsible for it. It's all part of nature.

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How to deal with stress in office?  Look, it's not just about the office, it's about life. Stress is a part of life. Even when you're walking on the road, there's stress. So, what's the solution? It is to take it easy. It happens that at times of stress, a person tends to blame on others. Stress is caused when one's boss acted in a certain way, when one's wife did something at home, or when something happened in one's neighborhood. So, you keep holding others responsible for it, but you should hold nature responsible for it. It's all part of nature. For example, when winter arrives and brings cold, we understand that it's a part of nature. Similarly, when June arrives and brings heat, it's also part of nature. If there are thorns among your flowers, that too is a part of nature So, whatever things causes stress or tension to people, it's all part of nature. It's not the creation of any individual, society, or office. As soon as you think like this, you'll become normal. That's my formula. My formula is this: When I put it in the realm of nature, I become complaint-free.

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