If a person does not make any mistakes, he will be like animals. Such persons are not desired by God. They will not attain high levels of God-realization nor a higher level of humanity. The process to reach this level goes through experiencing shocks and brainstorming.
We all make mistakes. No person can save himself from making mistakes. Mistakes are an opportunity. If you realize that you have made a mistake, you will have a new emergence. This is the process God has kept in this world. No person is born an angel. God endows you with potential when you are born. We have to unfold that potential. We have to turn the potential into actuality. There is no other process. This is why the hadith says that if humans do not make mistakes, God will create another creature that makes mistakes and then repents. People did not understand this hadith. They take this hadith in very simple terms.
The hadith means that the process for the development of human personality into a heavenly personality is by experiencing a jolt, a shock and brainstorming. If a person does not make any mistakes, he will be like animals. Such persons are not desired by God. They will not attain high levels of God-realization nor a higher level of humanity. The process to reach this level goes through experiencing shocks and brainstorming. The hadith says that if humans do not make mistakes, God will create another creature that makes mistakes and then repents.
God wants a person to do repentance. He should realize that he made a mistake, then he must repent and proclaim that he committed a blunder. All this will initiate a process which leads to new emergence, the evolution of a new personality and development of the intellect.