Global Dawah
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CPS Spiritual Sessions
Every believer must be eager to guide other people. So, the first level of dawah work deals with intending to do so. It is known in the Islamic…
July 13, 2014
Thought of The Day
The Quran says: “Do you think you will enter Paradise without having suffered like those who passed away before you? Affliction and hardship befell…
November 5, 2016
Thought of The Day
Calling people to God is a solemn responsibility of a Muslim. This noble task of calling people to God is performed directly as well as indirectly.…
May 17, 2014
CPS Spiritual Sessions
In the previous ages, we could do the work of dawah or convey God’s message on a minimal scale at a local level. However, today, dawah can be…
December 28, 2014
Thought of The Day
Every believer must be eager to guide other people. So, the first level of dawah work deals with intending to do so. It is known in the Islamic…
February 18, 2017
THE Quran refers to the Divine plan in these words (41: 53): We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes…
August 29, 2020