Don't Get Distracted by Temptations
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The Quran says: Paradise is for those who are patient. (76:12) I thought about this. Why does patience have such immense importance? We need patience to save ourselves from distractions. What is a distraction? It is temptations. Behind every distraction is a temptation. For example, Adam had the temptation to eat the fruit of the Forbidden Tree. Every kind of distraction has some temptation behind it. Whether it be going shopping or doing outing, or enjoying some superficial kind of entertainment. Behind every distraction is a temptation. On such occasions, you have to be patient. You have to adhere to patience. You have to control yourself. Patience is self-discipline. Patience is self-control. There is only one condition to attain Paradise, and that is, self-control. Your potential will convert into actuality, on its own. That is a non-stop process. The law of nature will bring that into effect. When you live in this world, you will face different kind of experiences, you will make many different observations and study a variety of things. During interaction with people, you will get many ideas. This will help in unfolding of your potential. But when you tend to succumb to a temptation that distracts you, you have to control yourself. There is only one formula to attain Paradise, and that is, self-control. There is no other formula. Meanwhile, the process of unfolding of your potential will go on, it won't come to a halt.

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